Participant Testimonials
At ASPIRE we are committed to helping you achieve the best result in court but also to make a positive impact on your driver knowledge.
Thank you Aspire for delivering a very informative, engaging and interesting Course. Mark's delivery of the Course was very professional, he knows how to teach in different styles. I have been driving for over 40 years and involved in the car repair industry and found the Course most beneficial. It really opened my eyes and I learnt a hell of a lot. I ended up receiving a Section 10 bond and the Magistrate made comment about how professional and thorough Mark's Court Report was and I am sure it helped me with my outcome. Keep up the great work and I will recommend your Course to those that need to do it. You should run this in High Schools."
- 13 June, 2019
Dear Andrew & Christine,
Thankyou for your kind words, and the recognition you have given me throughout the report. Although I have come to you in dire circumstances, I'm so grateful to have been in your course and only wish I had done it sooner. Andrew; you are a fantastic and insightful trainer and have brought so much awareness to my life. It has been one of the most beneficial courses I ave ever completed. I will be recommending your course to my own students for years to come, I really can't thank you enough.
- 23 December 2019
Hi Andrew
The ASPIRE programme is to be commended. The programme details the various traffic offences and there serious consequences. Solutions and remedies are then detailed and discussed. The programme should be mandatory to all new and existing motor vehicle drivers.
- 20 May 2019
Hi Mark,
I had my court hearing today, my penalties for getting charge mid range PCA are 3months suspension with $500 fine also 12 interlock system.
It was the best outcome I could possible get, doing your course definitely helped as my lawyer read out my participation to the court. Also, I would like to add that you are doing a great job with the aspire course youre keeping it exciting and you have help a lot of people with knowledge through the course, well I know it has definitely has helped me.
Thanks you,
- 2 April 2019
Thanks Mark, greatly appreciated.
The course was very interesting and I have learnt a lot about safe driving.
It's an experience which I will always remember of.
- 24 February 2019
Andrew McDonald thank you, it was great to have you n mark here. It was a pleasure n youse got me to understand
- 13 February 2019
Hi Mark
Thank you so much for your course and being so quick getting back ready for court, very interesting and engaging, will recommend to anyone.
Had the solicitor say he had never seen such a detailed report before which I believed helped greatly to reducing the suspension down to quarter the automatic.
- 5 May 2019
Hi Mark,
Thanks again for your letter and the time taken to write it.
I attended court and luckily I was given a 2 year good behaviour bond, seems like a long time but at least I still am driving.
- 21 March 2019
Thank you so much for your feedback and letter for court. Really enjoyed the course.
I think it would be great to have this course in schools but it would be more beneficial to road users for it to be a part of the L plate driving course.
- 24 February 2019