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  • Is your business accredited?
    We are fully accredited by the Community and Justice Department within the NSW Government, to deliver the Traffic Offender Intervention Program which incorporates the RMS Driver Education Course. We are a registered company.
  • How long does the Course take?
    Our courses is consistent of 2 sessions, each session is 3 hours. This is inclusive of a break.
  • Is the Course held over one or two days?
    All Courses, according to the current NSW Government Guidelines, are required to be delivered over two consecutive weeks. i.e. One week apart, generally.
  • Do you hold Courses during the week?
    Yes we do. There are 6 courses a week available. During the day, in the evening and on weekends.
  • How much does the Course cost?
    The cost of the two-day course is $175.00.
  • Is it hard to pass the Course?
    No, provided you apply yourself throughout the Course and participate during discussion and activities and adhere to the Code of Conduct. You are required to write answers to questions where there is no right or wrong answer. The questions are designed as being purely ‘subjective’.
  • What do I receive at the end of the Course?
    If you pass the Course and have to attend Court, a comprehensive Local Court Report tailored specifically for you will be prepared on your behalf and emailed to you, the Court in which you are appearing at and your Solicitor (if you have one). We email these Local Court Reports within 48 hours of you completing the Course. If you are attending our Course as a result of receiving an RMS notification, you will be issued with an RMS ‘Certificate of Completion Driver Education Course’. You will also be issued with a ‘Certificate of Completion’ for your personal record. These documents will only be provided to you when you have paid the Course fee.
  • If I have been issued with a Suspension Notice from the RMS, if I attend this Course will I keep my licence?"
    Our business is accredited by the NSW Government to issue an RMS ‘Driver Education Certificate of Completion’ to Traffic Offender Penalties (ITOP) participants upon successful completion of our Course.
  • What happens if my English skills aren't very good, will I fail?"
    No, we are there to help you. We have a number of teaching strategies that will assist you throughout the Course. You are not tested on your handwriting, grammar or spelling. Everyone who has undertaken each module of study has passed our Course.
  • Do I need to pay the Course fee prior to attending the Course?
    Whilst prepayment is preferred, there are several payment options. Generally people pay the full fee on the first day of the Course or pre-pay via Paypal however we are flexible with cash payments so long as the full payment is received on Day 2. You can also pay via EFT on the day.
  • What happens if I attend Day 1 of a Course but because of work commitments, sickness or travel I can’t make the second day. Can I attend Day 2 on another date?"
    Yes you can. Please let our staff know so we can rebook your second day on an alernative date.
  • Does the Court really take into account the fact that I have undertaken a Course?’
    Yes they do. We have been present during Court proceedings where our clients have received a reduced penalty by the Magistrate for completing our Course with the Magistrate on the record saying that he or she has taken this into (favourable) account when determining a penalty.
  • Does the police find out what I have written or said during the Course?
    No. You are our client and on your behalf we provide our Local Court Report to the Court, you and your Solicitor (if applicable).
  • I am a declared ‘Habitual Traffic Offender’ and want to get my licence back. Would it help me if I did this Course?
  • Am I required to do a driving test during this Course?
    No. Our Course is theory-based.
ABN 89 625 596 456
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